
Lottery Policy


The lottery is a popular form of gambling that offers a cash prize to the winner. It is usually organized so that a percentage of the profits are donated to good causes. Lotteries are often promoted with the promise that the prize money will solve problems, and people buy into this hope. It is not surprising, then, that lotteries tend to attract people who are vulnerable to covetousness (see Exodus 20:17).

The vast majority of lottery play comes from low-income, less educated, minority males. These players account for as much as 80 percent of all purchases. This is a clear case of irrational gambling behavior. The odds of winning are long, and players must be aware of this before they decide to purchase a ticket.

State governments are often enamored of the easy revenue generated by lotteries, and they quickly develop a dependency on these funds. It is difficult for public officials to manage an activity that they themselves profit from, and the general welfare may take a back seat.

Some states have a centralized lottery authority, but most have decentralized control over lottery operations. In the latter cases, state lawmakers and executives are often subjected to political pressures by lottery suppliers and convenience store owners, who can be effective lobbyists. The result is that the overall direction of lottery policy is rarely set by the executive or legislative branch of the government. Instead, lottery policy is mostly the result of the ongoing evolution of the industry.